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Time is right for ERP implementation

October 5, 2020

Time is right for ERP implementation

In a gathering of some long lost friends last week, I was introduced to a gentleman by one of my friends who I am meeting after 20 years. When the gentleman realized I was the CEO of eresource ERP, he started showing little more interest and wanted to have a more details on ERP. As he also owns a not-so-small company, he has a good reason for his interest. He was keen to implement a system that will give some breathing space in his hectic business schedule. As of now his business process are managed by different software applications, lack of coordination between different section is making his job tough.

I was telling him eresource ERP system is going to make his life easier. He wanted to know the right time to implement an ERP system. I emphasized the important of this period. As the end of financial year is fast approaching, I suggested him to implement the ERP system without losing further time. The reason why I say this is, when the system is implemented now and the staff is trained to handle them effectively, the company is going to have a full-fledged ERP system running in the coming financial year that will make his company operational excellence.

I have recommended all our potential customers to go for implementation during this time. When I say this to people they realize the importance and they also have the same opinion that this is the ideal time to implement an ERP system.

I hear people say how it is unimaginable to run a business without an ERP system. They also thank me for giving them an ideal Web-based ERP system. It makes their job easier. A key to growth for any corporation is to have visibility of information so that the decision can be taken faster. I tell them now that you can in work without being in your office room in front of your desktop PC. With a laptop and Internet connection you can be in touch with your business activities. Data from every department will be flowing in front of you. I myself having a system for our business process, I can get in touch with anyone — my colleagues, customers or any department — to review the latest updates of my business process.

I want to tell all our potential customers that to march ahead in your businesses you have to have a solid backing of an effective ERP system which will not only make your work easier but also will help you to stay ahead of your competitor in the field. Once again I would like remind all of you that time is ripe for ERP implementation. I and my colleagues can go all out to help you in any matter in this regard.

We are waiting to hear from you on any issues that will be related to an ERP system.

I also wish all my customer season’s greetings and all the very best.

Best Wishes
Sudheer Nair.
